Kyle Sandilands is a moron, no argument. Jackie O is too managed to express an opinion that doesn't reflect Kyles. This weeks polygraphy test of a 14yr old girl to answer her mothers questions about her sex life proves nothing we didn't already know. The real question though should be "Why did a mother seek to humiliate her daughter at such a crucial time in her adolescent development?"
I know parents question their children about their sexual activity. It's every parents instinct. What sort of society are we living in where a mother would choose to do so in a public forum and risk her daughters reputation and right to live with dignity? This is a girl who for the rest of her life will be embarrassed and probably ostracized for her mothers stupidity.
What was B105 management thinking when they allowed it? They already faced criticism recently for their lack of judgement over the "reunion" they facilitated between a woman and her long lost brother, promptly sending him home when they failed to answer a series of questions correctly. Now they choose to facilitate the interrogation of a minor.
Kyle Sandilands thinks he's Australia's answer to Howard Stern, asking ridiculous questions and generally being an arrogant, self assured, opinionated and ill informed dribble dick. Jackie O tows the line, apparently not intelligent enough to form her own opinion.
Now they are both throwing a tantrum about the way the media and the public criticise their involvement in this fiasco. Funny given they had no qualms about heading a public inquisition of a minor at her deadbeat mothers request.
On the day of the airing, KS steadfastly refused to apologise. 24 hours later and he's backflipping and passing the buck, using the excuse that there is no broadcast delay. You lying bastard. Anyone who listens to the radio knows the delays are in place to avoid the broadcast of inapporpriate material. You and the B105 team refused to take appropriate action because the ratings would be just too sweet to refuse.
KS and JO publicly ABUSED the girls rights by airing this sequence. Whether you believe her or not, the girl said she was raped. Then you raped her again by allowing the interview and the questions and failed in your duty of care to a minor in your presence to further protect her from your own interrogation.
The mother should be charged with neglecting a minor and failing to protect her, B105 should be accountable for causing further pain and suffering and Kyle and Jackie should be listed on the child sex offenders register.
And I want to know, where the fuck is Hetty Johnson in all this? Any other time that woman would be jumping up and down in front of a news camera to espouse the views of child advocates.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Selling your car
DON'T use or
Both sites state that they will send a rep to inspect your vehicle before making an offer. Both companies have just given me a VERY LOW offer on my car without having inspected it.
I strongly encourage anyone who has had dealings with these companies to contact the ACCC.
Both sites state that they will send a rep to inspect your vehicle before making an offer. Both companies have just given me a VERY LOW offer on my car without having inspected it.
I strongly encourage anyone who has had dealings with these companies to contact the ACCC.
sell your car,
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Australia...still the redneck capital of the world

So I'm minding everybody's business reading when I happen upon a story about how all the "federal money thrown at addressing indigenous community" problems is being wasted because it's not affecting adequate change.
The story itself was true enough but as I suspected, the site moderators gave favour to comments from those who are either outwardly racist or just so plain ignorant that I can still call them racist.
Case in point - a reader who takes it upon himself to dictate that indigenous people should follow the rest of the country's lead and pick up stumps and move to more populated areas to gain employment, housing and access to health care.
It seems a simple, possibly even harmless, enough concept. That is, until you stop to consider that the suggestion completely lacks any consideration for culture. And I don't mean Cafe society, Art Gallery or Sunday brunch with the other soccer Mums type of culture. Those sorts of things are the bastard children that resulted from the rape of our land by His Majesty's kingdom and after a failed bid at genocide, resorted to assimilation to breed out the bad and enforce the word of the "Lord". But going down that line may reveal a long closeted passion for activism that rivals the defensiveness of the racist for his ignorance.
Therein lies my rebuttal to the assumption that culture is considered irrelevant because of preconceived notions people have about the adoption of laws and behaviours that still barely recognise it's importance. The immediate approach for most people is based on religion. Indigenous groups' loyalty is to the earth itself and all it provides for their survival. The reality is that European culture breeds contempt for it's surroundings. Associations are shallow and self serving and objects are disposable. Indigenous groups from every country in the world lived in societies where people coexisted in a way that benefit every member and the surroundings they survived on.
Most religions at first glance have a chain of command. The indigenous people of Australia are taught that our ancestors rose to create (and remain in the form of) rock formations and rivers etc and are equal to every other creation, not better than. One culture dictates respect for the heirarchy and the others, respect their world and fellow being. Which brings me to my point.
Each clan or language group of indigenous Australia believes they belong to the land from which they and their ancestors were created. Despite 200 odd years of colonisation, integration and assimilation those cultural beliefs are as ingrained in our psyche as much as Christianity is ingrained in the mainstream psyche. So it's not as easy as packing up ones life and relocating in the pursuit of materialistic comforts and elevating a social status. The expectation that people so closely tied to cultural beliefs can remove themselves from their traditions is a giant step backwards for cross cultural relations and really highlights the ignorance that went with the removal of aboriginal children from their families as recently as the 1970's.
So I ask myself, what was the point in an apology to the stolen generations when the mentality that culture is disposable still exists? "Australia Day" celebrations have taken a different course in the last couple of years and more and more we hear people commenting that migrants to this country should learn to live like we do, or go home. Yet when immigrants do try to integrate, all we do is criticise them. Muslims have taken and absolute bashing for their long held traditions. The Lebanese, Asian, Greek and African migrants or those who are first and second generation Australians are relentlessly accused of living insular lives associating only with people from their own backround. Seriously, what choice have they got when they know there is every possibility they will be subjected to some form of abuse without the presence of cultural peers?
The most recent addition to the target practice of the fair skinned community is Indian students. Whether or not the number of assaults levelled against indians is a deliberate act or a coincidence is questionable. Indians have obviously been persecuted here to some extent for decades and to my mind the most recent string of events is the straw that's broken the camels back. As bad as it is, it's nothing compared to the years of and extent of abuse endured by the indigenous. Incomparable also to the suffering experienced by asian occupants since at least the gold rush days. Greek migrants have been abused terribly for many years. Any wonder then that Indian migrants are scared, they know this country's history and what they have to look forward to.
So yes, Australia is a beautiful place of opportunity and freedom. As long as you aren't richer than Australians, don't take Australian's jobs, don't take up space in Australians classes and don't speak your native languages, you should be fine.
Australian migrants,
Racist Australia
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Rental rape
In the short while I've been gone, I've once again been forced to seek alternative living arrangements (long story) so I've spent a bit of time checking out rental properties online.
It's a pretty harmless activity some would think. Harmless until I get on the bandwagon and then it's going to create drama (necessary or otherwise) for all concerned.
What pisses me off about the rental situation in this country is the fact that Realtors and lessors are allowed to get away with blue fucking murder should they so choose.
In every other industry (employment, retail, hospitality etc) it is ILLEGAL to exclude any member of society based on any aspect of their personal life. When you're a real estate agent or a lessor on the other hand, you're evidently allowed to nominate who you will and won't rent to based on any personal detail they see fit.
My situation is due to the fact that I have a dog. I can find very few available rental premises that suit my budget and my needs, but that difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that "No pets" is apparently legally acceptable criteria. I checked it out with (of all places) the Anti-Discrimination Commission. Yes, it's legal. Apparently they'd even call it ethical.
According to the law, Agents cannot make that determination of their own accord. Instead they hide behind "it's the lessors decision" like a limp-wristed, pre-pubescent teenager hiding from school bullies behind his mothers skirt.
You have to wonder then, after scouring through rental property advertising, how SO MANY Australian lessors became dog-hating Nazi's. Are they like lesbians? Did some "mongrel" sink his teeth into them in their youth and cause them a lifetime of paranoia and phobia?
The reality is that Agents decide to advertise no pets because when they fraudulently withhold your bond money (or portions of it) at the termination of a lease (let's face it, no agent has EVER legitimately withheld bond monies), they don't actually want to part with any of those ill-gotten-gains to address claning or pest control issues.
They steal that money from us because they can. And why can they do it? Because the Residential Tenancies Authority is a token department whose sole purpose is to pay lip service to the rights of tenants. They're like a falsely sympathetic mother-in-law who tells you that you have every right to be angry at her child for spending your money without consultation and in the next breath they're pissing up with the offending offspring laughing at you behind your back.
The same goes for our Government which has never seen fit to protect the rights of those of us whose situations determine that our money pays someones mortgage. John Howard certainly didn't give a rats ass and it remains to be seen whether or not Kevin Rudd will honour his campaign promises to address the housing shortage and homelessness.
It's a pretty harmless activity some would think. Harmless until I get on the bandwagon and then it's going to create drama (necessary or otherwise) for all concerned.
What pisses me off about the rental situation in this country is the fact that Realtors and lessors are allowed to get away with blue fucking murder should they so choose.
In every other industry (employment, retail, hospitality etc) it is ILLEGAL to exclude any member of society based on any aspect of their personal life. When you're a real estate agent or a lessor on the other hand, you're evidently allowed to nominate who you will and won't rent to based on any personal detail they see fit.
My situation is due to the fact that I have a dog. I can find very few available rental premises that suit my budget and my needs, but that difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that "No pets" is apparently legally acceptable criteria. I checked it out with (of all places) the Anti-Discrimination Commission. Yes, it's legal. Apparently they'd even call it ethical.
According to the law, Agents cannot make that determination of their own accord. Instead they hide behind "it's the lessors decision" like a limp-wristed, pre-pubescent teenager hiding from school bullies behind his mothers skirt.
You have to wonder then, after scouring through rental property advertising, how SO MANY Australian lessors became dog-hating Nazi's. Are they like lesbians? Did some "mongrel" sink his teeth into them in their youth and cause them a lifetime of paranoia and phobia?
The reality is that Agents decide to advertise no pets because when they fraudulently withhold your bond money (or portions of it) at the termination of a lease (let's face it, no agent has EVER legitimately withheld bond monies), they don't actually want to part with any of those ill-gotten-gains to address claning or pest control issues.
They steal that money from us because they can. And why can they do it? Because the Residential Tenancies Authority is a token department whose sole purpose is to pay lip service to the rights of tenants. They're like a falsely sympathetic mother-in-law who tells you that you have every right to be angry at her child for spending your money without consultation and in the next breath they're pissing up with the offending offspring laughing at you behind your back.
The same goes for our Government which has never seen fit to protect the rights of those of us whose situations determine that our money pays someones mortgage. John Howard certainly didn't give a rats ass and it remains to be seen whether or not Kevin Rudd will honour his campaign promises to address the housing shortage and homelessness.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jeffree Wannabee Fairee Porn Star
Just when I thought half assed "music" couldn't get any more ridiculous, along comes Jeffree Star with contributions to the "music" industry that throw the gay community back into the stereotype that so many gay pioneers fought to shake off for the benefit of our generation.
What is it about gay people that makes their world revolve around sex? I'm tired of hearing the little gay activists who run around screaming "Judge me for who I am, not who I sleep with" or similar bleetings, only to end up applying sex and sexuality to EVERY sentence that comes from their mouths.
Jeffree Star (self proclaimed internet royalty.....aha) has released a little .... song (for want of a better word for any of the home mixer collection he has on offer) called "We Want Cunt" which, I have to say, is LAAAAAAAAME! Let me share with you some of the so called lyrics....
The queen of the beautifuls is back (Queen, definitely. Beautifuls? Seen better)
Girls hate me 'cause I'm the cause of their break-up (presumptuous much?)
Niggaz on death row request me for their last meal (I'm pretty sure they will when they know some skinny little white poof with hot pink eyebrows is using the N word)
and the ever classy...
Boys fess up
Girls fess up
All coked up
Now, far be it for me to bring into question your sexuality because it's pretty bloody obvious the closest you've ever been to sex with a woman is trying to BE one, but seriously, what the hell would YOU do with a cunt Jeffree? Perhaps you could use it to stash your coke? That'd make a handy fag hag. Even better if she can fit a bong and a six pack, yeah?
Or maybe you could use it to carry your make up around on nights out. Don't forget the vanity mirror, the moisturiser bottle, the extra wig, accessories cell phone and let's throw in a couple of pairs of Manolo Blahniks for good measure.
But the lyrics just get better.
"Asian tourists scream
when I walk down the street" - well yeah, I probably would. Before I kicked you so hard your balls would finally drop.
"Applying my lipstick,
while wearing JonBenet's training bra" - well excuse me you sick fuck but if I wasn't going to kick you hard enough before, now I want to kick you so hard you'll actually choke to death on your balls. Sick bastard.
"Pink like my pussy" - What the fuck? Seriously, how do gay men who refer to themselves as having a pussy actually expect anyone to take them seriously? Boys, listen up once and for all...YOU DON'T HAVE A PUSSY. You have a DICK and an ASS.
Quite honestly the song was such a steaming pile of dogshit I couldn't even be bothered listening to the rest. If you've read my previous blog about Putrid Sex Object, believe me, THAT was far more tolerable.
As if that one wasn't bad enough, there's "Straight boys". Oddly enough the music is not bad, but again the lyrics point to a raving fag in a dress with a sex addiction.
"Give me a kiss, kiss
Give me a fist, fist" - Come over here bitch, I got two for ya! I just think we might have different idea's about where they're going.
Jeffree's not a complete dribble dick though. I'll give him credit for "The Kids". It's actually a somewhat thought provoking track with a decent beat and half way decent vocals.
I tried to listen to some of his other stuff to get a more balanced view, but each video I clicked on just added to the mountain of crap I'd already trawled through so I gave up, comfortable in the knowledge that Jeffree certainly is a star. In his own living room. Fire up the disco ball and strobe lights, Jeffree. The floor's yours!
Now, for a drag queen who knows what he is and how he gets there, check out Carly This is a clip all the budding drag queens should DEFINITELY watch. Carly gives you a couple of clips on how to apply make up correctly and the finished product is amazing.
What is it about gay people that makes their world revolve around sex? I'm tired of hearing the little gay activists who run around screaming "Judge me for who I am, not who I sleep with" or similar bleetings, only to end up applying sex and sexuality to EVERY sentence that comes from their mouths.
Jeffree Star (self proclaimed internet royalty.....aha) has released a little .... song (for want of a better word for any of the home mixer collection he has on offer) called "We Want Cunt" which, I have to say, is LAAAAAAAAME! Let me share with you some of the so called lyrics....
The queen of the beautifuls is back (Queen, definitely. Beautifuls? Seen better)
Girls hate me 'cause I'm the cause of their break-up (presumptuous much?)
Niggaz on death row request me for their last meal (I'm pretty sure they will when they know some skinny little white poof with hot pink eyebrows is using the N word)
and the ever classy...
Boys fess up
Girls fess up
All coked up
Now, far be it for me to bring into question your sexuality because it's pretty bloody obvious the closest you've ever been to sex with a woman is trying to BE one, but seriously, what the hell would YOU do with a cunt Jeffree? Perhaps you could use it to stash your coke? That'd make a handy fag hag. Even better if she can fit a bong and a six pack, yeah?
Or maybe you could use it to carry your make up around on nights out. Don't forget the vanity mirror, the moisturiser bottle, the extra wig, accessories cell phone and let's throw in a couple of pairs of Manolo Blahniks for good measure.
But the lyrics just get better.
"Asian tourists scream
when I walk down the street" - well yeah, I probably would. Before I kicked you so hard your balls would finally drop.
"Applying my lipstick,
while wearing JonBenet's training bra" - well excuse me you sick fuck but if I wasn't going to kick you hard enough before, now I want to kick you so hard you'll actually choke to death on your balls. Sick bastard.
"Pink like my pussy" - What the fuck? Seriously, how do gay men who refer to themselves as having a pussy actually expect anyone to take them seriously? Boys, listen up once and for all...YOU DON'T HAVE A PUSSY. You have a DICK and an ASS.
Quite honestly the song was such a steaming pile of dogshit I couldn't even be bothered listening to the rest. If you've read my previous blog about Putrid Sex Object, believe me, THAT was far more tolerable.
As if that one wasn't bad enough, there's "Straight boys". Oddly enough the music is not bad, but again the lyrics point to a raving fag in a dress with a sex addiction.
"Give me a kiss, kiss
Give me a fist, fist" - Come over here bitch, I got two for ya! I just think we might have different idea's about where they're going.
Jeffree's not a complete dribble dick though. I'll give him credit for "The Kids". It's actually a somewhat thought provoking track with a decent beat and half way decent vocals.
I tried to listen to some of his other stuff to get a more balanced view, but each video I clicked on just added to the mountain of crap I'd already trawled through so I gave up, comfortable in the knowledge that Jeffree certainly is a star. In his own living room. Fire up the disco ball and strobe lights, Jeffree. The floor's yours!
Now, for a drag queen who knows what he is and how he gets there, check out Carly This is a clip all the budding drag queens should DEFINITELY watch. Carly gives you a couple of clips on how to apply make up correctly and the finished product is amazing.
Carly's angels,
Internet Royalty,
Jeffree Star
Jurassic Judy
I've just watched another tragic episode of Judge Judy. I really don't know why I do it to myself. The mere sight of the woman's face sends me into convulsions much less the sound of that God awful voice.
So there I am watching this hideous old reptile launch verbal attacks on yet another string of blokes who can't get a word in edge ways. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
I've come to the conclusion that Judith Sheindlin was either abused as a child or at some stage in her life the victim of an attack which evidently failed in it's bid to rid the world of such human waste.
The more I look at her, the more convinced I am that she is some sort of mutant pygmy with a penchant for strap on dildo's so she can fuck every bloke up the ass as hard as possible. I can just see it now with a bottle of poppers up her nose as she screams "Who's ya daddy?"
Anyway, I hate her. Can someone please do the world a favour?
Check these out...
So there I am watching this hideous old reptile launch verbal attacks on yet another string of blokes who can't get a word in edge ways. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?
I've come to the conclusion that Judith Sheindlin was either abused as a child or at some stage in her life the victim of an attack which evidently failed in it's bid to rid the world of such human waste.
The more I look at her, the more convinced I am that she is some sort of mutant pygmy with a penchant for strap on dildo's so she can fuck every bloke up the ass as hard as possible. I can just see it now with a bottle of poppers up her nose as she screams "Who's ya daddy?"
Anyway, I hate her. Can someone please do the world a favour?
Check these out...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
In recent months, I have been deluding myself. I often think of how many "friends" I have, rather than how many acquaintances I have. Is it an ego driven delusion that prevents (until now) me from making the distinction between friends, friendly acquaintances and users, or is it a die hard "buddhist" faith in humanity that keeps me on this return trip to stupidity?
I put buddhist in inverted comma's because I really do try to follow the teachings of the faith. Suffering, deprivation and learning are all aspects of the faith. But SHOULD it be part of any faith that cares about it's followers to tolerate the selfishness, stupidity and ignorance of a society that has learnt to expect and demand servitude from others? Expectations only lead to disappointment. Is disappointment an unwritten teaching in every faith?
My disappointment comes in the form (in most cases) of FRIENDS. And lately, family follow a close second. Upon reflection however, is the disappointment a result of the actions of my friends and family, or my expectations of friends and family?
Those close to me know of my recent familial experiences but what I haven't necessarily discussed is the "friendships" I indulge.
Take for example, the ONLY lesbian couple I endure. On the surface, a lovely couple who are respectable (lately) and in most instances considerate. Until that is, the night of my birthday drinks to which they were invited. Having made contact with them on a seperate subject 2 days prior to the drinks evening, they advise that they may not be able to attend. That's fine with me, I have no expectation that you will either feel obligated to attend, nor should you make excuses not to attend.
That is ofcourse, until I find out that not only are you lying to me about why you aren't attending, but I also then find out that one of my friends to whom I introduced you, is expected to make apologies to you about why he can't attend YOUR drinks evening scheduled for the SAME NIGHT as my birthday celebration. Not only that, but the business dealings we share have gone awry because you don't feel the need to provide the same level of service to me as you would any other paying client who isn't a friend because you consider their business valuable and mine casual.
That's betrayal #1.
Number two. My "best friend" (inverted commas used here because I've never used those words, but he does describe our relationship in that context) who has in the last 18mths only contacted me as an after-thought. Background - my "best friend" I met when my ex cheated on me with him. Long story short, we became close friends. (Note my lack of description as "Best friends").
So, this close friend, for whom I went to great lengths, contacts me lately on an infrequent and random basis. Not the sort of "random" that normal friends find appropriate. For example, not being able to contact this friend or have this friend return any of my communication, I engage in dialogue with his room-mate. As soon as my friend is aware of this, he wants to contact me. Months pass without any further contact from him until one evening his new root divulges that he and I are friendly acquaintances. Suddenly, I'm being invited to spend an evening with them drinking and socialising. Bearing in mind ofcourse that said friend knows I am leaving the state in two weeks but this is what it takes for him to extend the invitation.
In that conversation not only does he offensively describe me as his best friend, but he then pauses as if to correct himself on the terminology. Realising the obvious back-pedal, he repeats the use of "best friend".
And with that I end that relationship.
Finally, one of the people I consider closest to me and with whom I have been friends for a great many years, decides suddenly that he not only doesn't need to show me the respect of engaging in dialogue with me, but also dismisses me with such casual disregard that I am left to wonder exactly what sort of association we have. Said person is someone who has a number of life issues with which I have either helped or been a sounding board for.
So at the end of the day, a number of people I considered to be very close friends prove by their actions that the respect and admiration is a one way street.
Should I be reflecting on my own expectations of those relationships and re-assessing what I expect or is it fair to dismiss every consecutive act of selfishness as an oversight on their part? Or, should I make the observation that each singular act is a cumulative reflection of the regard in which such friends consider their relationship with me?
If you consider that basic respect is a high expectation to have of someone, then I guess my standards are too high. On the other hand, having expectations that I know people can't meet is a good buffer between me and the imminent disappointment provided by all relationships on occasion.
In reality, I don't ask for much. I treat others the way I prefer to be treated.
I don't normally make resolutions with each new year but for 2009 I have decided to put an end to the Welcome sign that seems to be emblazoned in neon lighting across my forehead. No longer will I sit back patiently making excuses for bullshit behaviour. If I have to burn the bridge we built, I'll replace with another built with someone else. I'm looking out for #1 from now on and everyone else rates a distant second. From what I can tell, only the assholes and pretty people make any real progress in life. I guess I just have to be an asshole.
I put buddhist in inverted comma's because I really do try to follow the teachings of the faith. Suffering, deprivation and learning are all aspects of the faith. But SHOULD it be part of any faith that cares about it's followers to tolerate the selfishness, stupidity and ignorance of a society that has learnt to expect and demand servitude from others? Expectations only lead to disappointment. Is disappointment an unwritten teaching in every faith?
My disappointment comes in the form (in most cases) of FRIENDS. And lately, family follow a close second. Upon reflection however, is the disappointment a result of the actions of my friends and family, or my expectations of friends and family?
Those close to me know of my recent familial experiences but what I haven't necessarily discussed is the "friendships" I indulge.
Take for example, the ONLY lesbian couple I endure. On the surface, a lovely couple who are respectable (lately) and in most instances considerate. Until that is, the night of my birthday drinks to which they were invited. Having made contact with them on a seperate subject 2 days prior to the drinks evening, they advise that they may not be able to attend. That's fine with me, I have no expectation that you will either feel obligated to attend, nor should you make excuses not to attend.
That is ofcourse, until I find out that not only are you lying to me about why you aren't attending, but I also then find out that one of my friends to whom I introduced you, is expected to make apologies to you about why he can't attend YOUR drinks evening scheduled for the SAME NIGHT as my birthday celebration. Not only that, but the business dealings we share have gone awry because you don't feel the need to provide the same level of service to me as you would any other paying client who isn't a friend because you consider their business valuable and mine casual.
That's betrayal #1.
Number two. My "best friend" (inverted commas used here because I've never used those words, but he does describe our relationship in that context) who has in the last 18mths only contacted me as an after-thought. Background - my "best friend" I met when my ex cheated on me with him. Long story short, we became close friends. (Note my lack of description as "Best friends").
So, this close friend, for whom I went to great lengths, contacts me lately on an infrequent and random basis. Not the sort of "random" that normal friends find appropriate. For example, not being able to contact this friend or have this friend return any of my communication, I engage in dialogue with his room-mate. As soon as my friend is aware of this, he wants to contact me. Months pass without any further contact from him until one evening his new root divulges that he and I are friendly acquaintances. Suddenly, I'm being invited to spend an evening with them drinking and socialising. Bearing in mind ofcourse that said friend knows I am leaving the state in two weeks but this is what it takes for him to extend the invitation.
In that conversation not only does he offensively describe me as his best friend, but he then pauses as if to correct himself on the terminology. Realising the obvious back-pedal, he repeats the use of "best friend".
And with that I end that relationship.
Finally, one of the people I consider closest to me and with whom I have been friends for a great many years, decides suddenly that he not only doesn't need to show me the respect of engaging in dialogue with me, but also dismisses me with such casual disregard that I am left to wonder exactly what sort of association we have. Said person is someone who has a number of life issues with which I have either helped or been a sounding board for.
So at the end of the day, a number of people I considered to be very close friends prove by their actions that the respect and admiration is a one way street.
Should I be reflecting on my own expectations of those relationships and re-assessing what I expect or is it fair to dismiss every consecutive act of selfishness as an oversight on their part? Or, should I make the observation that each singular act is a cumulative reflection of the regard in which such friends consider their relationship with me?
If you consider that basic respect is a high expectation to have of someone, then I guess my standards are too high. On the other hand, having expectations that I know people can't meet is a good buffer between me and the imminent disappointment provided by all relationships on occasion.
In reality, I don't ask for much. I treat others the way I prefer to be treated.
I don't normally make resolutions with each new year but for 2009 I have decided to put an end to the Welcome sign that seems to be emblazoned in neon lighting across my forehead. No longer will I sit back patiently making excuses for bullshit behaviour. If I have to burn the bridge we built, I'll replace with another built with someone else. I'm looking out for #1 from now on and everyone else rates a distant second. From what I can tell, only the assholes and pretty people make any real progress in life. I guess I just have to be an asshole.
Best Friend,
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