Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bill O'reilly - loser extraordinaire

I've just been exposed to what is possibly the oldest infant in the world. You know how it is when a kid decides to argue you with you and throw a tantrum because you refuse to concede defeat to it's screaming and shouting over you? Try observing that in the form of a 70 year old man.

Bill O'Reilly, who I'd never previously heard of hosts his own lunchbox on some cable channel called "The O'Reilly Factor". They should change the name to "Wind Factor" because that's what he gave me by polluting my world with his redneck opinions. And I do mean REDNECK. Here is a man who will without shame, yet without openly saying the words, give the unmistakable impression that he's a racist with a heart of....scratch that. Seriously, you have to check this guy out. He is losing his mind progressively in the international media. So bad is he that even 50 Cent had something to say. I can't tell you what it was though, let's face it, who can understand anything 50 says?

O'Reilly is crawling so far up the Bush Administrations ass that he's lost in a void only equalled by his own ignorance. Anyone would think he's trying to ingratiate himself into a position as Bush's left testicle. Now, far be it for me to criticise the US invasion (sorry...PRESENCE) in Iraq but I would think that Bush in his current position where he really should be trying to win the support of the constituents should really have this dickhead O'Reilly silenced because he does more harm for the cause than good. So much harm in fact that if ignorance, stupidity and childishness were ammunition he could level Iraq and still have some leftover to make the US Army run for cover.

Here's how it went.

First, he took on Phil Donoghue, talk show host and advocate for pulling troops out of Iraq. Phil makes some very good points during the argument but it's Bills reaction that really makes you sit up and take notice. Remember that temper tantrum I mentioned? Phil asked Bill "Would you send your child to die in a war (that's unconsitutional)?" Bill replied "My nephew just enlisted..." to which Phil replied "Well, that's not your kid." Well didn't Bill spit the dummy. Honestly, it was like watching a drag queen lose his mind when someone calls him "he". The finger pointing started, the raised voice, the talking over his opponent, the reach for the reinforced hang on...(that didn't happen but it might as well have).

Next, it was Jeremy Glick whose father had died in the attacks of September 11. Jeremy is an advocate for removing troops from Iraq and Bill went on to shout his criticisms on Jeremy's position. Jeremy pointed out that it wasn't the Iraqi's who killed his father, it was Al-Qaeda to which Bill almost jumped out of his chair, excitement getting the better of him because here was yet another opportunity for him to rant his racist preachings "what do you mean Iraqi's didn't kill your father? They are Al-Qaeda".

To apply that theory on a global and historical scale, you would have to believe that all white Australians are responsible for the genocidal practices of their forebears trying to eliminate the indigenous population. Same would apply to white americans for the disintegration of the native american population and on it goes. In fact, you'd have to believe that every white man everywhere is responsible for the decline of indigenous populations globally if you follow O'Reilly's train of thought. O'Reilly, showing gay abandon with his contempt and disrespect for anyone who disagrees with his militant position on .....everything...then goes to the most childish extreme I have ever seen of any talk show host. Directed at the sound technician and referring to Jeremy he says "Cut his mic(rophone). Cut his mic."

Two words O'Reilly...GROW UP. If you can't take the heat bitch, don't open the kitchen.

As if this wasn't embarassing enough, there's the episode where he has to use the same approach to defend himself against the piss funny and very valid criticisms directed at him from a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT who wasn't going to take O'Reilly's hypocrisy without a fight. On the topic of why the school administration allowed guests to lecture to students about the perils of drugs, drinking and indiscriminate sexual activity, student Jesse challenged the big O's mis-quote of one of the guests comments by saying "Bill, in your book - 'The O'Reilly Factor For Kids' you describe being a uni student with a joint" or words of a smiliar nature. Again, poor Bill got the shits and cut the kid off. First question should be: Who the hell would let their kid read this bastards books????

Yet another guest on BO's show was challenged on his beliefs that army officers educate young adults about the realities of army life, including what it's like to see active duty, suffer war injuries and PTS disorder. Seems BO is all for the army going on a recruitment campaign in american schools. As "Career Day" as it sounds, the reality is that the very act of "recruiting" youth to enlist is as bad as the appoach adopted by the Iraqi's and every other culture that furnishes their youngsters with weapons ie: when they're born you stick a bottle in their mouth and a gun in their hands. The difference is you can't legally shoot people on behalf of the US Army or the Allied forces until you're 18 years old. You can't legally drink in the states until you're 21 but if you want to go out and blow someones head off you can do so with the blessings of the nation long before you are old enough to die a "man".

There are so many ridiculous Bill O'Reilly clips on YouTube that you are really spoilt for choice in the "Stupid things said and done by stupid people" stakes.

As many times I've thought, heard and typed the name "Bill O'Reilly" I still don't know where "KKK" fits into the name.

For some brief info about the loser, check out this Wikipedia page

Happy cross-burning Bill! I'm sure you'd make your clansmen Grandaddys proud!

P.S. COMPLETELY accidental that this post was created Sept 11

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