Friday, September 5, 2008

After birth

We came across the strangest thing today at work. It may not seem so strange to a lot of people but I learnt far more from it than I ever wanted to.

Placenta. Until now I thought it was really only good for throwing in a ditch and growing plants on top. Or milking it for all it's disease treating value. As it turns out, not only is it good for keeping a fetus alive, but it's damn good eating too!

My manager is leaving to have a baby and somehow we ended up using Google to find out what other uses there are for placentas. Lo and behold I stumbled upon a website that not only gives you a recent history of the uses of the placenta but....wait for gives's coming...


I know, right? Who'd have thought. I must be further behind the 8-ball than I thought. Seriously, Placenta lasagne? Placenta meatball spaghetti? Placenta Pizza???

Forgive my astonishment and forgive me if I sound like I'm criticising, but I just never realised the placenta could be so versatile. When I first heard about the planting thing, I thought that was ok. You know, a nice little garden with a specific tree marking a place to reflect the miracle of birth and the trials and tribulations of having a child. Watching that tree grow year to year and bathing in the memories the tree ignites, celebrating birthdays with the family under the tree. Beautiful.

HOWEVER... sitting down to your 21st birthday party for a meal of Roast Placenta and eggplant. Aha.

So, in order to avoid sounding more offended by the possibilities than I actually am I thought I'd include the link to the website containing the recipes. The owner of the site has done a great job in explaining the uses of placenta and including a lot of other information (including the use of dried placenta in capsule form to alleviate post natal depression) that can certainly clarify the misunderstandings people like me have.

Happy reading.....

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