Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sized up

This blog is going to sound brutal so I'll start by saying I'm not a fat hater. On the contrary, with my interest to work in the area of Health I am quite sympathetic and supportive, though I sound more boot camp than I intend to.

Size acceptance and fat acceptance groups. Hmmm. I just think it's a lot easier to ask for acceptance than it is to change yourself.

As far as being fat goes, I fully understand that a lot of people do have medical conditions that prevent them from losing weight or being a manageable size. I take issue however with people who are too lazy and susceptible to temptation to actually do anything about it. If you're happy being fat, go for your life. Don't, however, bitch and whine because people stare at you or make fun of you. Don't complain when someone criticises you. And sure as shit don't get on public transport if you can't fit in the seats.

Again, I'm not a fat hater but when I catch the bus I expect for my $3.20 to be able to sit in a seat and not have to share it with the left cheek of someone whose right cheek is in the aisle and the seat itself only supports the gaping chasm between the two. It's bad enough to be sharing space in that situation and maintaining a polite demeanour every time the bus hits a pothole and I suffer the ripple effect from the lard ass next to me but add to it the smell that more often than not eminates from the folds of skin and you'd better have a very thick skin or be in a hurry to get off at the next stop because with that combination I'm likely to develop a sudden allergy to diplomacy.

It's true, I don't always understand why a person's fat or how they can live that way, but you know, there's ways to deal with it and screaming at the rest of us to understand you is not one of those ways. For me to understand your situation and allow you to make excuses would make me an enabler to your problem which then leaves me to deal with my conscience when in five years your heart gives out on you or a blood clot takes your life or your lungs collapse in your sleep or your stomach ulcer bursts.

As harsh as I am sounding, I do understand one thing. And that is the amount of work and patience required to overcome the problem the worse it gets or the longer it's been left unaddressed. I still struggle on occasion to get exercise or walk the dogs or whatever. But the beauty oif having started an exercise routine is that now I rely on it. That exercise took the place of other things I NEEDED every day.

It's hard to get started but it's easy to stay motivated. I've included some links below for anyone who wants to get started. I've not used them myself but I thought it might help.

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